KYC for Anarchial Technology

Anthony Garrett,CryptoAmericaEconomic Freedom.


Crypto is financial anarchial infastructure that does not need an entity to let it exist, and KYC is an on-chain passport stamp.


Coinbase and Economic Freedom

The industry cannot innovate without a proper safety mechanisms to guard against injustice, so KYC (Know Your Customer) through Coinbase exists to keep regulators sane. This is an American centralizing force for mainstreaming cryptocurrency usage. By requiring KYC to move money on-chain, it creates an audit trail that American regulatory agencies will undoubtedly require. 1

Bitcoin and Economic Justice

The world is quick to label new technologies as inherently good or bad, but like the internet, Bitcoin is neutral. Technologies like Bitcoin sit outside of regulatory agencies, because they follow rules of internet, rather than rules of governmental agencies. Bitcoin offers a way for individuals to control their money regardless of other's decisions. It is a form of money with a fixed set of rules. 2


The Future of the Social Layer

Coinbase looks toward a future where the crypto world is not just about technology but also about people and cooperation. With innovations like Uniswap and the backing of visionaries like Vitalik Buterin, Coinbase is not just building financial infrastructure; it's contributing to a new social paradigm of agreement. This taste is resonating with 86% of bitcoin holders living outside of developed countries.3



  1. What is KYC? (opens in a new tab)

  2. Anarchy is the Point not the Problem (opens in a new tab)

  3. 86% of bitcoin holders live outside of developed countries (opens in a new tab)

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